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Utvecklare: Big Kitty Labs, LLC

ChumpDump is a twitter friend management game.

We all have friends on twitter, many of us have lots, like tons- ChumpDump is a game wrapped around the concept that odds are, you probably have a lot of chumps in your feed. Some of you know it, others are in denial. Were bringing you face to face with the chumps in your list- time to decide, dump or save!

Every day in ChumpDump you decide who gets dumped or saved in your friend list. ChumpDump picks a lottery winner at random- then provides you with the details you need to determine- is this friend really a chump?

The game works by rewarding those that weed out their feed. It digs through a month worth of tweets to see just how close you are with this so called friend you have- from there, you decide, do you save them, or dump them?

Look do you really need 5000 friends? Odds are you can barely follow 100. ChumpDump wants you to get real! Dump a chump, we dare ya, in fact, well even reward ya if ya do.

Sweet new features made it into our first release like:

Karma, Leaderboard and Badges!

Were out to reward those of you that decide daily who lives or gets dumped. The rewards are usual.. fame and fortune. Collect karma weeding out the chumps in your existence while at the same time deciding who gets saved- your precious friends, and most of all- tell us why for bonus karma!

Adopt a recent dumpie from another player and gain additional karma- one players trash could be another players fortune.. (maybe).

Rock the charts and youll rule the leaderboard, collecting karma as you go. Stand and be recognized with bragging rights and badges to boot.

Collect enough karma and you can dump on demand any time you want- gain vouchers so you can play any time you want, you need no stinkin lottery!

More inside! Check it out!